
I know you are wondering if this program will cover the units that you are studying. Below is a list of all the units and the lessons contained in the units. If you are using this as a curriculum, you can see that this Algebra Course contains a very thorough study of Algebra. If you are using this as a supplement to your studies, you will find many individual lessons guaranteed to suit your needs. In order to complete the entire course in the allotted time.

Unit Name Date Assignments
Pre-algebra Review
Integers January 4, 2016 1
Algebraic Expressions January 5, 2016 2
Order of Operations January 6, 2016 3
Like Terms and Distributive Property January 7, 2016 4
Distributive Property January 8, 2016 1
Intro to Matrices January 9, 2016 2
Using Formulas January 11, 2016 3
Solving Equations
Intro to Equations January 12, 2016 4
One-Step Equations January 13, 2016 1
One-Step Equations January 14, 2016 1
One-Step Equations January 15, 2016 1
One-Step Equations January 16, 2016 1
Mixed Review Practice January 18, 2016 2
Two-Step Equations January 19, 2016 3
Distributive Property Equations January 20, 2016 4
Equations with Fractions January 21, 2016 1
Literal Equations January 22, 2016 2
Variables on Both Sides January 23, 2016 3
Word Problems January 25, 2016 4
Absolute Value January 26, 2016 1
Absolute Value Pt 2 January 27, 2016 2

Important Dates

  • Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum In januari gaat de OB naar het Stedelijk Museum. Ze krijgen daar de rondleiding Beatboxen in de Badkuip. Hoe klinkt vrolijke kunst, of juist heel verdrietige? Bestaat er zoiets als een zielig schilderij of een boos beeld? Tijdens deze rondleiding gaan leerlingen op zoek naar emoties en geluid in het museum. Dit doen [...]